Steve Mac – Contact Readiness & Conditioning Drills

Prepared by: SteveMac

Contact Readiness & Conditioning Drills.  
- Incorporate these 3 drills into your practice for game specific and effective contact readiness and conditioning.
- 30-35min block
- Late preseason or in-season top up

Drill 1 - Tackle, Drive and Clean Low Threat  
- Working in groups of 4 in pairs players take turns in making a tackle, going straight up into a shield drive for a few steps then turning to immediately perform a low clean and bag pop on the tackled bag.
- Players work continuously in this alternating format for 2min, then swap with the bag holders.
- Each pair must perform 3 x 2min sets

Drill 2 - Tackle, Recoil & Clean High Threat  
- Set up tackle bags and shields as per video so the grid is closely spaced over 8-10m.
- Have 5 adjacent channels so the player can run the drill repeatedly resulting in 10 contacts/collisions.
- Player starts in 1st channel and makes a tackle, immediately recoiling and turning to clean the incoming shield.
- He then moves as fast as he can through the next channel repeating the drill until all 5 channels have been completed.
- Working on a 1:1 work rest ratio he must complete it 4 times to = 40 contacts/collisions.

Drill 3 - Multiple Up/Down Drive & Tackle Grid  
- 5 x 5m grid
- Player performs an up/down into a hit and drive against a player coming in from one side of the grid. He drives him out the grid then quickly backpedals to face the adjacent side of the grid, performs and up down and then must make a tackle on the next player.
- Works flat out for 1min, 1min break x 4 sets.

SteveMacConditioning – Down Up Drive & Tackle Grid

SteveMacConditioning – Down Up Drive & Tackle Grid

51 0 0
SteveMacConditioning – Tackle Recoil & Drive

SteveMacConditioning – Tackle Recoil & Drive

69 0 0
SteveMacConditioning – Tackle Drive Combo

SteveMacConditioning – Tackle Drive Combo

56 0 1

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